Child Custody

Child Custody

 Original Custody Orders · Enforcement · Modification · Non-Parent Custody · And More

Understanding Child Custody

Child custody refers to the legal and practical rights and responsibilities of parents or guardians concerning their child's upbringing and welfare. It encompasses both physical custody (where the child resides) and legal custody (the authority to make decisions about the child's education, healthcare, religion, etc.). When parents separate or divorce, determining child custody arrangements becomes crucial to ensure the child's best interests are protected.

Whether you need an order from a court regarding the custody of a child, or you have a current order that needs to be modified or enforced, we are here to help.

Types of Custody

There are three main types of child custody:

  1. Sole custody: One parent has primary physical and legal custody, while the other parent typically has visitation rights.
  2. Joint custody: Both parents share physical and/or legal custody, allowing the child to spend significant time with each parent.
  3. Split custody: In cases involving multiple children, each parent is awarded custody of one or more children.

We Fight For Your Family

At Hines Law Firm, we understand the complexities and sensitivities surrounding child custody matters. Our experienced team is dedicated to protecting your rights as a parent and ensuring the best interests of your child are upheld.

Remember, you don't have to face child custody disputes alone. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and let us guide you through this challenging process. Your child's future deserves the best possible legal representation.

 We've Got Your Back!

We want to know your needs so that we can do our best to provide the perfect solution for your unique situation.

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